5.6.1. Event Data Payload

In this chapter, you'll learn how subscribers receive an event's data payload.

Access Event's Data Payload#

When events are emitted, they’re emitted with a data payload.

The object that the subscriber function receives as a parameter has an event property, which is an object holding the event payload in a data property with additional context.

For example:

4} from "@medusajs/framework"5
6export default async function productCreateHandler({7  event,8}: SubscriberArgs<{ id: string }>) {9  const productId = event.data.id10  console.log(`The product ${productId} was created`)11}12
13export const config: SubscriberConfig = {14  event: "product.created",15}

The event object has the following properties:

The data payload of the event. Its properties are different for each event.
The name of the triggered event.
Additional data and context of the emitted event.

This logs the product ID received in the product.created event’s data payload to the console.

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