
5.2.4. Middlewares

In this chapter, you’ll learn about middlewares and how to create them.

What is a Middleware?#

A middleware is a function executed when a request is sent to an API Route. It's executed before the route handler function.

Middlwares are used to guard API routes, parse request content types other than application/json, manipulate request data, and more.

TipAs Medusa's server is based on Express, you can use any Express middleware .

How to Create a Middleware?#

Middlewares are defined in the special file src/api/middlewares.ts. Use the defineMiddlewares function imported from @medusajs/medusa to define the middlewares, and export its value.

For example:

1import { defineMiddlewares } from "@medusajs/medusa"2import type { 3  MedusaNextFunction, 4  MedusaRequest, 5  MedusaResponse, 6} from "@medusajs/framework/http"7
8export default defineMiddlewares({9  routes: [10    {11      matcher: "/custom*",12      middlewares: [13        (14          req: MedusaRequest, 15          res: MedusaResponse, 16          next: MedusaNextFunction17        ) => {18          console.log("Received a request!")19
20          next()21        },22      ],23    },24  ],25})

The defineMiddlewares function accepts a middleware configurations object that has the property routes. routes's value is an array of middleware route objects, each having the following properties:

  • matcher: a string or regular expression indicating the API route path to apply the middleware on. The regular expression must be compatible with path-to-regexp.
  • middlewares: An array of middleware functions.

In the example above, you define a middleware that logs the message Received a request! whenever a request is sent to an API route path starting with /custom.

Test the Middleware#

To test the middleware:

  1. Start the application:
  1. Send a request to any API route starting with /custom.
  2. See the following message in the terminal:
Received a request!

When to Use Middlewares#

Use middlewares when
  • You want to protect API routes by a custom condition.
  • You're modifying the request body.

Middleware Function Parameters#

The middleware function accepts three parameters:

  1. A request object of type MedusaRequest.
  2. A response object of type MedusaResponse.
  3. A function of type MedusaNextFunction that executes the next middleware in the stack.
ImportantYou must call the next function in the middleware. Otherwise, other middlewares and the API route handler won’t execute.

Middleware for Routes with Path Parameters#

To indicate a path parameter in a middleware's matcher pattern, use the format :{param-name}.

For example:

6} from "@medusajs/framework/http"7
8export default defineMiddlewares({9  routes: [10    {11      matcher: "/custom/:id",12      middlewares: [13        // ...14      ],15    },16  ],17})

This applies a middleware to the routes defined in the file src/api/custom/[id]/route.ts.

Restrict HTTP Methods#

Restrict which HTTP methods the middleware is applied to using the method property of the middleware route object.

For example:

6} from "@medusajs/framework/http"7
8export default defineMiddlewares({9  routes: [10    {11      matcher: "/custom*",12      method: ["POST", "PUT"],13      middlewares: [14        // ...15      ],16    },17  ],18})

method's value is one or more HTTP methods to apply the middleware to.

This example applies the middleware only when a POST or PUT request is sent to an API route path starting with /custom.

Request URLs with Trailing Backslashes#

A middleware whose matcher pattern doesn't end with a backslash won't be applied for requests to URLs with a trailing backslash.

For example, consider you have the following middleware:

6} from "@medusajs/framework/http"7
8export default defineMiddlewares({9  routes: [10    {11      matcher: "/custom",12      middlewares: [13        (14          req: MedusaRequest, 15          res: MedusaResponse, 16          next: MedusaNextFunction17        ) => {18          console.log("Received a request!")19
20          next()21        },22      ],23    },24  ],25})

If you send a request to http://localhost:9000/custom, the middleware will run.

However, if you send a request to http://localhost:9000/custom/, the middleware won't run.

In general, avoid adding trailing backslashes when sending requests to API routes.

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