4.3.2. Create Brands List UI Route in Admin

Example ChapterThis chapter covers how to create a UI route (or page) that shows your brands as a step of the "Customize Admin" chapter .

What is a UI Route?#

A UI route is a React Component that adds a new page to your admin dashboard.

The UI Route can be shown in the sidebar or added as a nested page.

Prerequisite: Add Retrieve Brand API Route#

Before adding the UI route, you need an API route that retrieves all brands.

Create the file src/api/admin/brands/route.ts with the following content:

6import BrandModuleService from "../../../modules/brand/service"7
8export const GET = async (9  req: MedusaRequest,10  res: MedusaResponse11) => {12  const brandModuleService: BrandModuleService = req.scope.resolve(13    BRAND_MODULE14  )15
16  const limit = req.query.limit || 1517  const offset = req.query.offset || 018
19  const [brands, count] = await brandModuleService.listAndCountBrands({}, {20    skip: offset as number,21    take: limit as number,22  })23
24  res.json({25    brands,26    count,27    limit,28    offset,29  })30}

This adds a GET API route at /admin/brands.

In the API route, you resolve the Brand Module's main service and use its listAndCountBrands method to retrieve the list of brands with their total count.

This method accepts as a first parameter filters to apply on the retrieved data, and as a second parameter configurations for pagination.

NoteLearn more about the listAndCount method and its parameters in this reference .

Add a UI Route to Show Brands#

A UI route is created in a file named page.tsx under subdirectories of the src/admin/routes directory. The file’s default export must be the UI route’s React component.

To create a UI route that shows the list of brands, create the file src/admin/routes/brands/page.tsx with the following content:

1import { Table, Container, Heading } from "@medusajs/ui"2import { useEffect, useState } from "react"3import { defineRouteConfig } from "@medusajs/admin-sdk"4import { TagSolid } from "@medusajs/icons"5
6const BrandsPage = () => {7  const [brands, setBrands] = useState<8    Record<string, string>[]9  >([])10  11  useEffect(() => {12    fetch(`/admin/brands`, {13      credentials: "include",14    })15    .then((res) => res.json())16    .then(({ brands: brandsData }) => {17      setBrands(brandsData)18    })19  }, [])20
22  return (23    <Container className="divide-y p-0">24      <div className="flex items-center justify-between px-6 py-4">25        <Heading level="h2">Brands</Heading>26      </div>27      <div className="flex h-full flex-col overflow-hidden !border-t-0">28        <Table>29          <Table.Header>30            <Table.Row>31              <Table.HeaderCell>ID</Table.HeaderCell>32              <Table.HeaderCell>Name</Table.HeaderCell>33            </Table.Row>34          </Table.Header>35          <Table.Body>36            {brands.map((brand) => (37              <Table.Row key={brand.id}>38                <Table.Cell>{brand.id}</Table.Cell>39                <Table.Cell>{brand.name}</Table.Cell>40              </Table.Row>41            ))}42          </Table.Body>43        </Table>44      </div>45    </Container>46  )47}48
49export default BrandsPage50
51// TODO export configuration

This adds a new page in the admin at http://localhost:9000/app/brands.

In the UI route's component, you retrieve the brands from the /admin/brands API route. You show the brands in a table.

NoteAdmin customizations can use the Medusa UI package to align your customizations with the admin's design. Also, this guide includes examples of common components in the Medusa Admin.

Add UI Route to the Sidebar#

To add the UI route to the sidebar, replace the TODO at the end of the file with the following:

1export const config = defineRouteConfig({2  label: "Brands",3  icon: TagSolid,4})

You export a config variable defined using the defineRouteConfig utility.

This indicates that a new item should be added to the sidebar with the title Brands and an icon from the Medusa Icons package.

Test it Out#

To test it out, start the Medusa application and login into the Medusa Admin.

You'll find a new "Brands" sidebar item. If you click on it, a new page opens showing the list of brands in your store.


By following the examples of the previous chapters, you:

  • Created a widget that showed the brand of a product in the Medusa Admin.
  • Created a UI route that showed the list of brands in the Medusa Admin.

Next Steps#

In the next chapters, you'll learn how to integrate third-party systems into your Medusa application to sync brands.

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