5.2.6. Protected Routes

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to create protected routes.

What is a Protected Route?#

A protected route is a route that requires requests to be user-authenticated before performing the route's functionality. Otherwise, the request fails, and the user is prevented access.

Default Protected Routes#

Medusa applies an authentication guard on routes starting with /admin, including custom API routes.

Requests to /admin must be user-authenticated to access the route.

TipRefer to the API Reference for Admin and Store authentication methods.

Protect Custom API Routes#

To protect custom API Routes to only allow authenticated customer or admin users, use the authenticate middleware imported from @medusajs/medusa.

For example:

1import { 2  defineMiddlewares,3  authenticate,4} from "@medusajs/medusa"5
6export default defineMiddlewares({7  routes: [8    {9      matcher: "/custom/admin*",10      middlewares: [authenticate("user", ["session", "bearer", "api-key"])],11    },12    {13      matcher: "/custom/customer*",14      middlewares: [authenticate("customer", ["session", "bearer"])],15    },16  ],17})

The authenticate middleware function accepts three parameters:

  1. The type of user authenticating. Use user for authenticating admin users, and customer for authenticating customers. You can also pass * to allow all types of users.
  2. An array of the types of authentication methods allowed. Both user and customer scopes support session and bearer. The admin scope also supports the api-key authentication method.
  3. An optional object of configurations accepting the following property:
    • allowUnauthenticated: (default: false) A boolean indicating whether authentication is required. For example, you may have an API route where you want to access the logged-in customer if available, but guest customers can still access it too.

Authentication Opt-Out#

To disable the authentication guard on custom routes under the /admin path prefix, export an AUTHENTICATE variable in the route file with its value set to false.

For example:

1import type { 2  AuthenticatedMedusaRequest, 3  MedusaResponse,4} from "@medusajs/framework/http"5
6export const GET = async (7  req: AuthenticatedMedusaRequest, 8  res: MedusaResponse9) => {10  res.json({11    message: "Hello",12  })13}14
15export const AUTHENTICATE = false

Now, any request sent to the /admin/custom API route is allowed, regardless if the admin user is authenticated.

Authenticated Request Type#

To access the authentication details in an API route, such as the logged-in user's ID, set the type of the first request parameter to AuthenticatedMedusaRequest. It extends MedusaRequest.

The auth_context.actor_id property of AuthenticatedMedusaRequest holds the ID of the authenticated user or customer. If there isn't any authenticated user or customer, auth_context is undefined.

NoteIf you opt-out of authentication in a route as mentioned in the previous section , you can't access the authenticated user or customer anymore. Use the authenticate middleware instead.

Retrieve Logged-In Customer's Details#

You can access the logged-in customer’s ID in all API routes starting with /store using the auth_context.actor_id property of the AuthenticatedMedusaRequest object.

For example:

6import { ICustomerModuleService } from "@medusajs/framework/types"7
8export const GET = async (9  req: AuthenticatedMedusaRequest,10  res: MedusaResponse11) => {12  if (req.auth_context?.actor_id) {13    // retrieve customer14    const customerModuleService: ICustomerModuleService = req.scope.resolve(15      Modules.CUSTOMER16    )17
18    const customer = await customerModuleService.retrieveCustomer(19      req.auth_context.actor_id20    )21  }22
23  // ...24}

In this example, you resolve the Customer Module's main service, then use it to retrieve the logged-in customer, if available.

Retrieve Logged-In Admin User's Details#

You can access the logged-in admin user’s ID in all API Routes starting with /admin using the auth_context.actor_id property of the AuthenticatedMedusaRequest object.

For example:

6import { IUserModuleService } from "@medusajs/framework/types"7
8export const GET = async (9  req: AuthenticatedMedusaRequest,10  res: MedusaResponse11) => {12  const userModuleService: IUserModuleService = req.scope.resolve(13    Modules.USER14  )15
16  const user = await userModuleService.retrieveUser(17    req.auth_context.actor_id18  )19
20  // ...21}

In the route handler, you resolve the User Module's main service, then use it to retrieve the logged-in admin user.

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