Login Customer in Storefront

In this document, you'll learn about the two ways to login a customer in a storefront.

1. Using a JWT Token#

Using the /auth/customer/emailpass API route, you obtain a JSON Web Token (JWT) for the customer. Then, use that token as a bearer token in the authorization header of subsequent requests, and the customer is considered authenticated.

For example:

In the example above, you:

  1. Create a handleLogin function that logs in a customer.
  2. In the function, you obtain a JWT token by sending a request to the /auth/customer/emailpass.
  3. You can then use that token in the authorization header of subsequent requests, and the customer is considered authenticated. As an example, you send a request to obtain the customer's details.

Authenticating the customer with a cookie session means the customer is authenticated in subsequent requests that use that cookie.

If you're using the Fetch API, using the credentials: include option ensures that your cookie session is passed in every request.

For example:

In the example above, you:

  1. Create a handleLogin function that logs in a customer.
  2. In the function, you obtain a JWT token by sending a request to the /auth/customer/emailpass.
  3. You send a request to the /auth/session API route passing in the authorization header the token as a Bearer token. This sets the authenticated session ID in the cookies.
  4. You can now send authenticated requests, as long as you include the credentials: include option in your fetch requests. For example, you send a request to retrieve the customer's details.
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