Manage Cart's Items in Storefront

In this document, you'll learn how to manage a cart's line items, including adding, updating, and removing them.

Add Product Variant to Cart#

To add a product variant to a cart, use the Add Line Item API route.

TipTo retrieve a variant's available quantity and check if it's in stock, refer to this guide.

For example:

1const addToCart = (variant_id: string) => {2  const cartId = localStorage.getItem("cart_id")3
4  if (!cartId) {5    return6  }7
8  fetch(`http://localhost:9000/store/carts/${cartId}/line-items`, {9    credentials: "include",10    method: "POST",11    headers: {12      "Content-Type": "application/json",13      "x-publishable-api-key": process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MEDUSA_PUBLISHABLE_KEY || "temp",14    },15    body: JSON.stringify({16      variant_id,17      quantity: 1,18    }),19  })20  .then((res) => res.json())21  .then(({ cart }) => {22    // use cart23    console.log(cart)24    alert("Product added to cart")25  })26}

The Add Line Item API route requires two request body parameters:

  • variant_id: The ID of the product variant to add to the cart. This is the variant selected by the customer.
  • quantity: The quantity to add to cart.

The API route returns the updated cart object.

Update Line Item in Cart#

You can update the quantity of a line item in the cart using the Update Line Item API route.

For example:

1const updateQuantity = (2  itemId: string,3  quantity: number4) => {5  const cartId = localStorage.getItem("cart_id")6
7  if (!cartId) {8    return9  }10
11  fetch(`http://localhost:9000/store/carts/${cartId}/line-items/${12    itemId13  }`, {14    credentials: "include",15    method: "POST",16    headers: {17      "Content-Type": "application/json",18      "x-publishable-api-key": process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MEDUSA_PUBLISHABLE_KEY || "temp",19    },20    body: JSON.stringify({21      quantity,22    }),23  })24  .then((res) => res.json())25  .then(({ cart }) => {26    // use cart27    console.log(cart)28  })29}

The Update Line Item API route requires:

  • The line item's ID to be passed as a path parameter.
  • The quantity request body parameter, which is the new quantity of the item.

The API route returns the updated cart object.

Remove Line Item from Cart#

To remove a line item from the cart, send a request to the Remove Line Item API route.

For example:

1const removeItem = (itemId: string) => {2  const cartId = localStorage.getItem("cart_id")3
4  if (!cartId) {5    return6  }7
8  fetch(`http://localhost:9000/store/carts/${cartId}/line-items/${9    itemId10  }`, {11    credentials: "include",12    headers: {13      "x-publishable-api-key": process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MEDUSA_PUBLISHABLE_KEY || "temp",14    },15    method: "DELETE",16  })17  .then((res) => res.json())18  .then(({ parent: cart }) => {19    // use cart20    console.log(cart)21  })22}

The Delete Line Item API route returns the updated cart object as the parent field.

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