listAndCount Method - Service Factory Reference

This method retrieves a list of records with the total count.

Retrieve List of Records#

const [posts, count] = await postModuleService.listAndCountPosts()

If no parameters are passed, the method returns an array with two items:

  1. The first is an array of the first 15 records retrieved.
  2. The second is the total count of records.

Filter Records#

1const [posts, count] = await postModuleService.listAndCountPosts({2  id: ["123", "321"],3})


To retrieve records matching a set of filters, pass an object of the filters as a first parameter.

NoteLearn more about accepted filters in this documentation .


The method returns an array with two items:

  1. The first is an array of the first 15 records retrieved matching the specified filters.
  2. The second is the total count of records matching the specified filters.

Retrieve Relations#

NoteThis applies to relations between data models of the same module. To retrieve linked records of different modules, use Query .
1const [posts, count] = await postModuleService.listAndCountPosts({}, {2  relations: ["author"],3})


To retrieve records with their relations, pass as a second parameter an object having a relations property. Its value is an array of relation names.


The method returns an array with two items:

  1. The first is an array of the first 15 records retrieved.
  2. The second is the total count of records.

Select Properties#

1const [posts, count] = await postModuleService.listAndCountPosts({}, {2  select: ["id", "name"],3})


By default, retrieved records have all their properties. To select specific properties to retrieve, pass in the second object parameter a select property.

select's value is an array of property names to retrieve.


The method returns an array with two items:

  1. The first is an array of the first 15 records retrieved.
  2. The second is the total count of records.

Paginate Relations#

1const [posts, count] = await postModuleService.listAndCountPosts({}, {2  take: 20,3  skip: 10,4})


To paginate the returned records, the second object parameter accepts the following properties:

  • take: a number indicating how many records to retrieve. By default, it's 15.
  • skip: a number indicating how many records to skip before the retrieved records. By default, it's 0.


The method returns an array with two items:

  1. The first is an array of the records retrieved. The number of records is less than or equal to take's value.
  2. The second is the total count of records.

Sort Records#

1const [posts, count] = await postModuleService.listAndCountPosts({}, {2  order: {3    name: "ASC",4  },5})


To sort records by one or more properties, pass to the second object parameter the order property. Its value is an object whose keys are the property names, and values can either be:

  • ASC to sort by this property in the ascending order.
  • DESC to sort by this property in the descending order.


The method returns an array with two items:

  1. The first is an array of the first 15 records retrieved.
  2. The second is the total count of records.
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