
Creates a StepResponse that indicates that the step has failed and the retry mechanism should not kick in anymore.


1import { Product } from "@medusajs/medusa"2import {3  createStep,4  StepResponse,5  createWorkflow6} from "@medusajs/workflows-sdk"7
8interface CreateProductInput {9  title: string10}11
12export const createProductStep = createStep(13  "createProductStep",14  async function (15    input: CreateProductInput,16    context17  ) {18    const productService = context.container.resolve(19      "productService"20    )21
22    try {23      const product = await productService.createProducts(input)24      return new StepResponse({25        product26      }, {27        product_id: product.id28      })29    } catch (e) {30      return StepResponse.permanentFailure(`Couldn't create the product: ${e}`)31    }32  }33)34
35interface WorkflowInput {36 title: string37}38
39const myWorkflow = createWorkflow<40    WorkflowInput,41    Product42  >("my-workflow", (input) => {43   // Everything here will be executed and resolved later44   // during the execution. Including the data access.45
46    const product = createProductStep(input)47  }48)49
50myWorkflow()51  .run({52    input: {53      title: "Shirt"54    }55  })56  .then(({ errors, result }) => {57    if (errors.length) {58      errors.forEach((err) => {59        if (typeof err.error === "object" && "message" in err.error) {60          console.error(err.error.message)61        } else {62          console.error(err.error)63        }64      })65    }66    console.log(result)67  })


An optional message to be logged.

Default: "Permanent failure"


Creates a StepResponse that indicates that the step has failed and the retry mechanism should not kick in anymore.
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