How to Create a File Module Provider

In this document, you’ll learn how to create a File Module Provider and the methods you must implement in its main service.

Implementation Example#

As you implement your File Module Provider, it can be useful to refer to an existing provider and how it's implemeted.

If you need to refer to an existing implementation as an example, check the S3 File Module Provider in the Medusa repository.

Create Module Provider Directory#

Start by creating a new directory for your module provider.

If you're creating the module provider in a Medusa application, create it under the src/modules directory. For example, src/modules/my-file.

If you're creating the module provider in a plugin, create it under the src/providers directory. For example, src/providers/my-file.

NoteThe rest of this guide always uses the src/modules/my-file directory as an example.

2. Create the File Module Provider's Service#

Create the file src/modules/my-file/service.ts that holds the implementation of the module provider's main service. It must extend the AbstractFileProviderService class imported from @medusajs/framework/utils:

1import { AbstractFileProviderService } from "@medusajs/framework/utils"2
3class MyFileProviderService extends AbstractFileProviderService {4  // TODO implement methods5}6
7export default MyFileProviderService


The constructor allows you to access resources from the module's container using the first parameter, and the module's options using the second parameter.

If you're creating a client or establishing a connection with a third-party service, do it in the constructor.


1import { Logger } from "@medusajs/framework/types"2import { AbstractFileProviderService } from "@medusajs/framework/utils"3
4type InjectedDependencies = {5  logger: Logger6}7
8type Options = {9  apiKey: string10}11
12class MyFileProviderService extends AbstractFileProviderService {13  protected logger_: Logger14  protected options_: Options15  static identifier = "my-file"16  // assuming you're initializing a client17  protected client18
19  constructor (20    { logger }: InjectedDependencies,21    options: Options22  ) {23    super()24
25    this.logger_ = logger26    this.options_ = options27
28    // assuming you're initializing a client29    this.client = new Client(options)30  }31}32
33export default MyFileProviderService


Each file provider has a unique ID used to identify it. The provider's ID will be stored as fs_{identifier}_{id}, where {id} is the provider's id property in the medusa-config.ts.


1class MyFileProviderService extends AbstractFileProviderService {2  static identifier = "my-file"3  // ...4}


This method validates the options of the provider set in medusa-config.ts. Implementing this method is optional. It's useful if your provider requires custom validation.

If the options aren't valid, throw an error.


1class MyFileProviderService extends AbstractFileProviderService {2  static validateOptions(options: Record<any, any>) {3    if (!options.apiKey) {4      throw new MedusaError(5        MedusaError.Types.INVALID_DATA,6        "API key is required in the provider's options."7      )8    }9  }10}


optionsRecord<any, any>
The provider's options.


This method uploads a file using your provider's custom logic. In this method, you can upload the file into your provider's storage, and return the uploaded file's details.

This method will be used when uploading product images, CSV files for imports, or other custom file uploads.


1class MyFileProviderService extends AbstractFileProviderService {2  // ...3  async upload(4    file: ProviderUploadFileDTO5  ): Promise<ProviderFileResultDTO> {6    // TODO upload file to third-party provider7    // or using custom logic8    // for example:9    this.client.upload(file)10
11    return {12      url: "",13      key: "file-name-or-id"14    }15  }16}


The file to upload.


The uploaded file's details.


This method deletes the file from storage. It's used when an admin user deletes a product image, or other custom file deletions.


1class MyFileProviderService extends AbstractFileProviderService {2  // ...3  async delete(file: ProviderDeleteFileDTO): Promise<void> {4    // TODO logic to remove the file from storage5    // Use the `file.fileKey` to delete the file6    // for example:7    this.client.delete(file.fileKey)8  }9}


The details of the file to delete.


Resolves when the file is deleted.


This method is used to retrieve a download URL of the file. For some providers, such as S3, a presigned URL indicates a temporary URL to get access to a file.

If your provider doesn’t perform or offer a similar functionality, you can return the URL to download the file.


1class MyFileProviderService extends AbstractFileProviderService {2  // ...3  async getPresignedDownloadUrl(4    fileData: ProviderGetFileDTO5  ): Promise<string> {6    // TODO logic to get the presigned URL7    // Use the `file.fileKey` to delete the file8    // for example:9    return this.client.getPresignedUrl(fileData.fileKey)10  }11}


The details of the file to get its presigned URL.


The file's presigned URL.

3. Create Module Provider Definition File#

Create the file src/modules/my-file/index.ts with the following content:

1import MyFileProviderService from "./service"2import { 3  ModuleProvider, 4  Modules5} from "@medusajs/framework/utils"6
7export default ModuleProvider(Modules.FILE, {8  services: [MyFileProviderService],9})

This exports the module provider's definition, indicating that the MyFileProviderService is the module provider's service.

4. Use Module Provider#

To use your File Module Provider, add it to the providers array of the File Module in medusa-config.ts:

NoteThe File Module accepts one provider only.
1module.exports = defineConfig({2  // ...3  modules: [4    {5      resolve: "@medusajs/medusa/file",6      options: {7        providers: [8          // default provider9          {10            resolve: "@medusajs/medusa/file-local",11            id: "local",12          },13          {14            // if module provider is in a plugin, use `plugin-name/providers/my-file`15            resolve: "./src/modules/my-file",16            id: "my-file",17            options: {18              // provider options...19            },20          },21        ],22      },23    },24  ]25})

5. Test it Out#

To test out your File Module Provider, use the Medusa Admin or the Upload API route to upload a file.

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