Payment Session

In this document, you’ll learn what a payment session is.

What's a Payment Session?#

A payment session, represented by the PaymentSession data model, is a payment amount to be authorized. It’s associated with a payment provider that handles authorizing it.

A payment collection can have multiple payment sessions. Using this feature, you can implement payment in installments or payments using multiple providers.

Diagram showcasing how every payment session has a different payment provider

data Property#

Payment providers may need additional data to process the payment later. The PaymentSession data model has a data property used to store that data.

For example, the customer's ID in Stripe is stored in the data property.

Payment Session Status#

The status property of a payment session indicates its current status. Its value can be:

  • pending: The payment session is awaiting authorization.
  • requires_more: The payment session requires an action before it’s authorized. For example, to enter a 3DS code.
  • authorized: The payment session is authorized.
  • error: An error occurred while authorizing the payment.
  • canceled: The authorization of the payment session has been canceled.
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